I have a very dead/dense/heavy pair of hand crafted steel framed stands (filled with sand/shot 50/50). The top has 1" thick non-Gabbro granite shelves/plates (polished and beveled) mounted on silicone footers. I have no problems with various rubber soled equipment (EAR pre-amps, Zesto SUTs, a pre-amp that had thin aluminum base using Stillpoint SS footers, etc). I do have a problem with an EAR 324 phono pre which sounds best with a buckwheat pillow under it. My VPI VI turntable always sat on a 1.25" thick HDF board on top of a Townshend Seismic Sink (terrible footers on the table).
Below, I replaced the thick tempered glass shelves with silicone bumpers with 1.25" HDF mounted on Blu-Tac which appears to completely deaden the already dense wood. Maple/butcherblock would have been an alternative.