Inexpensive tube amp

I'm looking for an inexpensive but yet decent quality tube amp to pair with my new Zu Omen bookshelf speakers. I've noticed that there are a lot of integrated amps out there, but I would rather and Stand alone amp to pair with my existing Preamp. The preamp is a modified Acurus unit from back in the day. However if I cannot find an inexpensive amp an integrated unit might be okay. My budget will be between 300 and $400 new or used. The source will be an old pioneer turntable. Nothing special just an inexpensive analog front end to listen to music in my small room.
Not sure this exists under $500. But if it does, I definitely want to know about it...also, per my own experiments with different gear, a tube pre with a SS amp or a tube integrated will best a SS pre with a tube amp. Just my experience.
Look at Jolida, probobly used. Try to get one of the more recent models.
The APPJ PA0901A is surprisingly good for the money. You'll need efficient speakers, over 90db at least, and you'll have to retube it with nos before it sounds any good. So you're looking at around $400 all up. I can recommend using a GE triple mica black plate from the fifties as a driver tube.
Look on E-Bay for 'tube amp' and you'll find a number of items in your price range. Most are Chinese imports, but my limited experience with these types of products is that most sound pretty good as long as they are not pushed too hard.
I can probably stretch my budget to around 500 or so. This is more of an experiment than need for an amp. I'm using an Vincet hybrid amp now and I have an old mf100 Conrad Johnson I can try as well. Another thought I'm having is a tube preamp with SS amp.

While not apples to apples this is what I'm using on my main rig with my Thiel speakers. There I run a BAT pre with a Parasound A21 amp with good results.