Innersound - Relocated?

Has anyone noticed that Innersound has moved?

InnerSound, Inc
1320 Pearl Street, Suite 106
Boulder, Colorado 80304
Tel: (303) 440 3561
Fax: (303) 440 3562

Does anyone have any insight?

sorta back from the abyss
hey Sean and Tim! I was just wondering if others had noticed and knew anything about the move.... It does't appear that many have either noticed or even knew...

cheers, Angela
told ya you'd be traveling all over the country shlepping those bleeding panels...
Bob, I have no idea what you are talking about, but I am enjoying my new job and traveling a lot with that. Last trip was a week long conference in the French Quarter, next planned trip is Alaska for another conference and then Germany. Traveling in style, staying at the best hotels-working hard and playing hard. Life is Very Good!