How I did the math.....I have a ZENith mk2 SE (4TB) that retailed for $9k. The Phoenix Reclocker retails for $3150.00. The Phoenix would require an additional power cord + footers + another USB cable. Let's say you spend $1.5k on the additional PC, footers and USB cable. That brings a total of aprox. $13,650 (retail). A new Statement with 2 TB's retails for $14,400. I spoke to Mark Sossa (Innuos importer that I bought my ZENith mk2 SE from) and someone I met on Agon who had the ZENith mk2 SE and now owns the Statement and both of them told me the Statement was a BIG step up from the SE. Mark told me the ZENith mk2 SE + the Phoenix gets close but that the Statement was still superior in every way..... So I thought I would rather spend a few bucks more and get the better sounding Statement....Also I use all Nordost cables and Stillpoints Ultra 6's on my ZENith mk2 SE so the figure of $1.5k on the additional power cord, USB cable and isolation would actually run me more, making the cost between the two versions about the same $. I understand that you don't have to use footers under the Phoenix and you can spend less on a PC and USB but I found (in my system) that those 3 items really made a BIG improvement in SQ vs cheaper versions.
I am looking for a used or demo Statement at the moment.