Innuos owners. Chime in

Hi all,

I will be receiving a Innous Zen MK3 in the next couple of days. I’m curious to know what power cords, and usb suited best?

Additionally any tips would be appreciated. Break in time. Etc.. I’m hoping their new app is stable.

Thank you,



I jumped from Zenith MK3 to Statement. A reasonable step in between should be the Phoenix, but considering more cables and extra outlets and just lucky money on hand, I followed my dealers advice :) The jump is very large .... not only the price!!!

Ran it with Roon until Innuos started with the 2.0 software. Roon definitely wins in connection to other music via text and links, creating an extension of your musical knowledge and enjoyment. Innuos is ok for connections to all sources (internal disk, Qobuz, Tidal, Internet Radio) and has a good generic search machine. But I would have stuck with Roon, if the sound quality of the Innuos software was not so much better ... using internal hardware features, which Roon ignores. Am still afraid, that the Innuos software will get to be a similar disaster like the Melco was. So far, they are somewhat excused due to the éarly stage. But their service responses were not existing for me and I still have problems :(

And yes, it the Innuos server will get better over a few weeks burn-in, which is much easier with 24/7 than amps or speakers :) ENJOY !!!

I am using Tellurium Q Ultra Silver USB and LessLoss powercable and LessLoss device feet "Bindbreakers"

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Congrats with the Statement!  I think most would be quite content with a Zenith. I would like to preface that I'm completely new to servers/streamers... I do know that when you are importing music. To obtain the artwork, and other data you must connect the Zen to the lan.Ethernet. Rj45.  Though what I'm most curious about. Once all is imported, playlist set. Can I use my tablet to interact with the Zen to listen to specific tracks.. withouth being connected to the internet?  Like I had mentioned. I very rarely use any streaming services at home. 

If not connected to the internet. Does the tablet connect via Bluetooth to select music that's already installed.  I could care less at the moment if tidal  is not connected. I'm hoping to have basic connectivity between tablet and server. Without having a cat 6 being constantly utilized just to select imported / ripped music. 

Sorry to say this, but to my knowledge, there is no Bluetooth and you can only communicate via Ethernet (and indirect via WLAN). And of course USB data stream. So your tablet can communicate via WLAN and your server has to have some Ethernet connection which has to be connected to the WLAN.

There is an offline mode for the server, which seems to only block communication from the server to external sources on the Internet. So you can play without Internet connection, but you should know the IP address in your network and this network has to be active.

And the biggest disappointment might be, that you cannot just play music from the Innuos server to your iPad. It is supposed to have one defined player (your DAC) via USB. There is an option to access from sources like iPad, TV or whatever via UPnP .... sorry, am not a specialist for this.

Usually, you will connect to your NAS (network attached storage = file service) like this (UPnP) for playing music.

Hope somebody else can tell you more. I just use with my DAC ...

Good luck. Don’t be disappointed, if it works in a different way, than you expected, but it is definitely an excellent device for what it was intended for by the designer.


For what it's worth I have had superb customer support from Innous overseas and their domestic dealer.