@swampwalker Good deductive powers, my friend, though the difference is pretty drastic and the sensitivity would have to be really, really high. With the Quicksilvers I can hear the hum from 15 feet. With the SS amp it's quiet as a tomb from 6 inches.
Others: I've searched online and wonder about grounding the chassis of the Quicksilvers to the chassis of the preamp. I understand that my lack of understanding may lead me to ask this question, and that may be the dumbest suggestion you've heard since breakfast (I mean since breakfast time, not the idea of breakfast). If so, feel free to put me straight.
Others: I've searched online and wonder about grounding the chassis of the Quicksilvers to the chassis of the preamp. I understand that my lack of understanding may lead me to ask this question, and that may be the dumbest suggestion you've heard since breakfast (I mean since breakfast time, not the idea of breakfast). If so, feel free to put me straight.