I've tried the Gaias, and Nobsound springs. In my system, isolating the speakers rather than coupling them to the floor is definitely the way to go. BUT...after the dust settled, I've gone back to simple sorbothane disks ($24 for a set of eight). The trick is finding the right density, but if you guess wrong for the speakers (aim for softer, to support the lower end of the weight you've got), you can use them under other components instead. Besides being far cheaper than the alternatives, they're also inconspicuous, and they don't raise the hight of the speaker more than a couple of mm. The speaker will "float" on them, and wobble just a bit to the touch, but not disconcertingly so. And they don't compress over time, or at least they haven't yet. In any case, I suggest you try this first to see if decoupling from the floor works for you.