Insides of Lazarus H-1A amp...

For anyone who is interested..
Looking at your pic, I am strongly inclined to say that you have the H-1 amplifier, and not the H-1A. Here's a pic of the H-1A ..

The H-1A has a more sophisticated main power supply, dual power rectification, increased voltage stabilization, and reduced loading on the output of the tube stages. Also, there are high voltage (160uf, 450v) capacitors directly at the plate resistor of the tubes for better separation, image stability and dynamics.

If you think the H-1 amp is good .. feast on the H-1A, or better yet, a Lazarus "Class A" high-current amp with 4 tubes. They will blow away the H-1 ..
hey...I did see this pic,,,,i noticed the differences, but didnt know enough to make heads or tails....

Which Lazarus has Class A with 4 tubes?

The "Class A". This model is Lazarus's best stereo amplifier. These amps have TRUE class A designs, unlike all other models which only have pure class A designs.