Insides of Lazarus H-1A amp...

For anyone who is interested..

The "Mark II" also has 4 tubes.. with a pure class A design and a high power output.
Well, 'pure' class A or 'TRUE' class A, my H1 sounds quite good. I just wish I could find a schematic diagram for it. Any of you owners have one or know where I can get one? I'm willing to pay something.

Jeff, you might be able to obtain a schematic here..

"Manuals and schematics available for $50.00 USD plus shipping, all models."
Jeff, I doubt you will be able to find a schematic.

I bought my Lazarus directly from Andy (?), sorry I can't remember his last name, and I'm not sure that Andy is his first name either, but he was the designer/owner of Lazarus. He wasn't very organized or interested in helping me when I had a problem shortly after purchasing my amp. I would be very surprised if he ever had a schematic in the marketplace.

Last I heard he was designing for Muse.