I have this tool and the instruction sheet that came with it.If you want to send me your snail mail address I'll copy the one page and mail it to you (for free even).Casey.
If I am not mistaken, I believe that I have read that using a auto leveling laser light which can be purchased from Home Depot or Lowes could be used in place of the string.
A laser leveller does work but a thread (not "string", I misspoke) is actually more accurate - thanks to the parallax effect. Sometimes simplest is best. :-)
One thing we ought to have asked is, what tonearm/turntable are you planning to use this protractor with? If your rig isn't Baerwald compatible then this whole discussion is moot.
I appreciate your follow-up. I am setting up a new system (Acoustic Solid TT) with Rega arm, so I believe the Baerwald method would be appropriate?
I also have a Grace 707 MK II tonearm on another turntable which I successfully used the Turntable Alignment Tool several years ago. If I am not mistaken both the Rega arms and the Grace 707 both have an effective length of 237mm and a mounting distance of 222mm.
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