Thanks for all the responses. I think the primary reason my claim was resolved was due to the letter my lawyer-wife sent to the owner of the franchise. I was also very lucky in that the buyer was so awesome. He was bummed about the amp, but was also really upset that it happened to me. He's still sitting around with the box and the amp, hopefully not in his living room, waiting for resolution. However, regardless of how well something is boxed, UPS will go way out of their way to deny liability, and even in my case, when they did the actual packaging. It's right on their website, if they packaged and it is damaged, they are liable. Really, what is one supposed to do, go in to their store with a tape recorder to gather evidence in case something goes wrong. Can you imagine going into the franchise and asking them, "Do you mind me recording this conversation." But why should anyone ever have to go through the hassle of small claims court and the countless abusive phone calls between corporate UPS and the UPS franchise. What a waste of time and aggravation. We all have better things to do with our lives.
At any rate, I'm liquidating all of my audio gear because I'm moving to Europe. I have very expensive speakers that I'm shipping to California and I'm having them crated for International shipping at the buyer's request. The buyer requested the ISPM label which I assume is a requirement for International. My mover, Pickens-Kane uses Allied Van, and while they will crate they won't ship anything under 1000 lbs. I've spoken with Fed-Ex, and while they don't crate, they will box and inspect the crating, and if they feel the packaging is adequate they will then transport and guarantee against breakage. They have some sort of formula, in which they guarantee a dollar amount per pound. I spoke to them at length and they seem more reputable than UPS. Do you guys think Fed Ex is safe? If not what are the alternatives?
The crazy thing is that 4 months ago I sent a very expensive vintage watch for repair and used UPS. All I have to say is Thank God it wasn't damaged or lost. I don't think I would have ever recovered.