Integrated Amp Jumpers

A while back I replaced the metal jumpers between the pre-amp and amp section of my int-amp with Audioquest jumpers, which are about 3 inches in length. I use Audioquest King Cobras and Diamondbacks for interconnects throughout the rest of my system. I was wondering if anyone knew if using a short length pair of Audioquest King Cobras or Diamondbacks would be an improvement over the Audioquest interconnects sold specifically as jumpers. Without special order I believe the shortest length available for the King Cobras or Diamondbacks is .5m. Any opinions are appreciated.
When faced with this choice I went inside the unit and soldered direct with a piece of high grade wire, bypassing the jumpers, jacks and female sockets all together.

It can be reversed if need, but you need to be comfortable with doing this or have someone experienced perform this mod.

The best part? You can sell your jumpers and not spend even more money on expensive interconnects that will not sound as good as bypass.
Chances are no improvement with higher end jumpers. I've also done the internal wiring, or should I say a well trained tech did it for me. He also bypassed the LED power meters and hardwired an upgrade power cable to the unit. This all improved it considerably.
Any IC can be used as a jumper - just as you would connect any pre amp to a power amp.

Different models and lengths will yield different results.

Luckily, experimentation in this hobby is fun and often yields pleasant surprises : )
