Integrated Amp Vs. Outboard DAC

Hi, I wanted to see what the prevailing opinion is out there. I am trying to put together a decent mid-fi system and am stuck on what to do in terms of amplifiers. In your opinion which is better an integrated amp with digital inputs or one without and an outboard DAC? I plan on using the system in my main living area and it needs to work with the tv as an input and a digital source. It needs to be easy enough for the kids and wife to use. At this point what are the pros and cons of going with one or the other?
I picked up a demo bel canto c5i here on agony for under $1000.    Very nice clean holographic sound and  does it all including phono and all the hifi many would ever need.  
I also believe an external DAC is the way to go. What digital source(s), other than the TV, will you use? This is important when considering your input need for the DAC. I believe there are several integrated amplifiers that will serve your 10.1s well and leave funds for a DAC with both  purchases keeping you within your ~$800 budget. If you are willing to buy used the AG marketplace is a good place to look. 

Hi Mesch, right now I am thinking about using an airport express with or without a reclocker as a source. Can anyone recommend a good amp with tone controls that would meet my budget? I do plan on buying the best speakers I can afford in the future. Anyone listen to something from Zu Audio?
I agree with jl35 for a midfi system in your budget an integrated with built in dac makes more sense. If your using AE as a source and cd quality files no need to chase flavor of the day dac technology. There are some decent sounding integrateds around your budget with both digital and analog inputs. If you want tone controls then consider a used NAD c375 bee with the on board dac module. It has plenty of analog inputs as well in case you decide to jump on the dac merry-go-round in the future. Otherwise look into offerings from Hegel or Peachtree Audio. The nova 220se would at the top of my list if I had your budget. It has been mentioned on here lately they are selling refurbs from the manufacturer at a nice discount and the reviews are very favorable.

Thanks chrshan. I heard the Nova wouldn't work with AE because it uses the sabre chip. Anyone hear that?