Integrated brand choice -- Simaudio, Hegel or Mark Levinson?

Narrowed down my integrated brand choice to these three.  Looking to spend $7-8k (used or new).  These will power Focal Electra 1028be's for now, with a possible upgrade to something else next year.
I'm familiar with Simaudio, but haven't heard/owned the Hegel or Mark Levinson.
Opening the floodgates for your opinions...

the naysaying is tiresome

all are good brands, make music in certain ways, with certain signatures

one must try and find their own sweet spot

for higher end focals, i would personally err on the side of gear that provides a softer sweeter uber refined high end, a neutral, detailed midrange and strong grip down below

For the Focal 1028be I would lean towards the Mark Levinson. I have a Hegel H360 and H590 and really appreciate what they do, but I've heard the 1028be with older average recordings and it needs a warm forgiving amp and Hegel's are neutral. Sim idk

Ayre, best I have found for my preferences after lots of gear. US made, great support, build quality and technology.