Integrated or Separates on a budget

I am in the process of upgrading my existing system on a budget. My first purchase were Paradigm Studio 100 v2. I have a Sony cd carousel and an integrated I am replacing. At the very most, I have about $1200 to spend. I plan to buy used. I need to drive 2 sets of speakers. I have heard that getting separates is generally better all around, but I am not sure if it is possible to get quality pieces in my price range. Any suggestions?
Creek 5350 is well-thought-of piece that will drive 2 sets of speakers. You can find one for <$1000 rather easily I should think.
Used or demo Portal Panache would be a superb choice if you only need a line stage and don't require a remote. To drive two sets of speakers you might need a switching box. I'd recommend a used Bryston if you can find one. Maybe a bit more investment, but another great option if you can find it would be a used Unico Unison SE, or with less power, but also an outstanding choice, the standard Unico Unison. Not sure if they have multiple speaker options.

I'd go with a Classe CAP-151 or Plinius 8100 for the Paradigm's. But I feel that your Sony CD will be the weak point. The 100's require a fair amount of power to drive with authority, but I'd wager that the Music Hall Mambo would be able to drive it reasonably well, and is well below your price limit and includes a very nice DAC.
