Integrated Tube Amp Demo

I am beginning the process of an in-home trial of integrated tube amplifiers. Currently plan to compare the Cary SLI-80HS, Raven Blackhawk MK3, PrimaLuna EVO 300, and Rogers EFI-100 MK2. Wondering if anyone has any recommendations of additional comparable integrated tube amps that would reasonably fit into this group?

Any candidates MUST have a supplier that will allow return of the amp after an in-home tryout. For example, I would like to try the Jadis Orchestra Black but cannot find any supplier that allows for return after an in-home trial. 

Not sure it's relevant in this case, but system is Melco N1A Server - Benchmark DAC (digital), VPI Classic 3 - Herron VTPH-1 MC Plus (analog), Bowers&Wilkens 805 D3 Speakers - REL Subwoofer.

Thanks in advance for all of your input.

Luxman LX-380 would a solid candidate for this list as well.

I know there are luxman dealers willing to ship amps for a home demo.
rogue audio cronus magnum iii.  
refinement, transparency, sound stage and 100wpc driving energy and dynamics and ability to drive speakers that drop to 4ohms.  
yours will need this capability for full potential sound.  
Thank you all for the helpful and thoughtful posts. I plan to post the results of my listening experiment in the future, which will likely take a few months.

I’m a fence-sitter when it comes to sound vs. appearance, but man, that Rogers EFI-100 MK2 is unsightly.