Integrateds: Warm sounding SS vs Hybrid

I have recently had Bryston B60 and Unison Unico amps. They each had their strengths. Overall I liked the Unico better, its more forward, fuller sound and a wider soundstage, due to its tube preamp. However, I wasn't enamored with the tube hiss I was getting, I realize that there might have been a problem with the amp, but I have read about others having this problem. With no music playing, or very quiet passages in classical music, the hiss could be heard from the listening position6-8 feet away.

I have read reviews of some SS amps where their sound is described as "tube-like".

My questions are:

1) Has anyone who had owned tubed gear heard a SS integrated that sounds like tubes?

2) Was my experience with Unison tube hiss likely due to faulty gear/tubes, etc?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
looking at the REd WIne Sig 30.2 .... only one source input? So I couldnt use with both my CD and phono?
Sandman012, you can order the Red Wine Sig 30.2 as an integrated amp, with a volume control, and two inputs on the rear apron. Check the website for pics.

Now, that being said, this thread is starting to scare me. I'm having flashbacks to about three years ago when the D&K integrated mummies were running amok. I don't have any issues with folks enjoying their music, but look into some of the RWA zealots posting history. Natewalker_2006 has responded to 11 threads, and pushed the RWA 30.2 in every single one of them. Jwarmbrand has started one thread and replied to 10 threads, again, every thread was about RWA.

I won't lump Brawny in with the other two, because he seems to be more well rounded, only 2 of his 14 threads mention RWA, and in this one, he also mentioned First Watt's integrated.

Again, I think it's great if you love your audio system. However, what we found out about 3 years ago with the D&K fiasco was that there are also 'shills' that use these message boards to push their products. So be careful how much weight you place on some folks recommendations. Take a look at their history, and see how varied their experience is.

Thanks, John, for your thoughts. I am in a position where its just not feasible for me to make the hour and a half drive back and forth to audition peices, not to mention the better value one gets used on Audiogon.

So I have to rely on word-of-mouth. I just sold my whole system, as while I liked it well enough, I knew it wasn't exactly what I wanted.

I like the idea of the RWA, but new, it is a bit out the price range I was looking toward.
hi john, yes you can classify me as a rwa zealot and i have been mainly posting about the joy they bring to my listening experience every day. ok, this might make me a 'mummy' or 'shill' or what you want to call me, but i have never owned equipment this good for the money and i finally don't think about upgrading my electronics and dont have to worry about the quality of my power coming to my house, power cords, conditioners, and all that stuff - especially in the summer when our power quality suffers with all the air conditioners on the grid. i like vinnie's approach and excellent customer service and i will continue to let others know about my experience and i dont get paid for it . this stuff is giving me a lot of pleasure so it is a pleasure to speak highly of it. RWA offers a 30-day on all their products, so let the end user decide if it is right for them. it may or may not be. this is what i did and i hope others take a look at it too if it is in their budget and if it meets their needs and requirements.
