Interconnects for BAT

Hi, can anyone give me some tips to connect pre-amp BAT VK-32SE and power-amp BAT VK75SE? I am looking for a brighter, more airy sound. Other components are Linn SC and WLM Gran Viola. Thanks! Lubos
I second the Stealth PGS. I have the BAT VK 30SE and a Classe CA 400, and run the Balanced PGS between the two, and it really warmed up the sound.

Lubos, Yes, Apex, Precision Ref and Acoustic Ref are different. Each cables present a different sonic signature and works better on a specific component. Go to the Synergistic website and read about all the different cables. Also, see my tread:

Synergistic New Tesla Line...Any comments?

Let me know if you have any questions. I have demo'ed them all.
Joeyboynj, thank you, I´ll take a look. A problem is, that they are not imported here and I cannot try them :-(
I have the same set-up. I currently use valhalla interconnect and speaker cables with great results. FYI valhalla (at least in my system) is not forward sounding. I have also enjoyed Audioquest Silver internconnects SKY, and Kilimanjaro (now K2). The AQ does not quite have the air and extension as the Valhalla but is very coherent and "organic" sounding (texture).

I would give a recommendaion to either brand but would stay with one as I think there is system synergy with cables.
I have to 2nd Trcnetmsncom regarding the Nordost Valhalla, I use it throughout my system and they are hard to beat, the hold system just opens up.