Interested in Focal Scala Utopias

I'd like to know more about the characteristics of these speakers. Anyone familiar with them? I don't think there are any US dealers.

I like how you put it. Intolerant to sibilance is I think a *huge* understatement. I was going crazy from the sibilance which I never had with the Alto. I tried everything and then figured out the problem. The Scala must be spiked directly to a hard floor. You cannot use coasters under the spikes and you definitely cannot use something like a Herbie's pad under coasters. So, if you have the Scala and hardwood flooring, you will need to get some granite slabs or similar and spike the Scala to them.
Spearit Sound in Northhampton MA has the Scala on the floor - I believe they also have the Diablo now. No problem at all getting an extended audition.

Scala sounded really good to my ears - I sure didn't hear any issues with sibilance. They were hooked up to Esoteric P1/D1's and Krell amplification.
Someone might not hear sibilance if the system is using components/cables that play with the treble or the system is less than transparent or the listener is not particularly bothered by it such that they do not notice it or maybe a million other things.

Just because someone does not hear it does not mean it is not there. For example, in the short demo set up for me by my dealer, I heard no sibilance (Esoteric P-03/D-03, BAT pre and amp and Transparent cables) but when I got them home it was unmistakable.
I had JM Focal Utopia la Scala 3 with Mc Intosh
amplifier and thy were real good. With Spectal
equipment JM Lab is just too much forward.
Therefore I bought Magico V3 perfect for Spectral.
So I think it is very important to give to the JM Lab
the right Amp.
it mainly depends on recodrds, not asociated equpment. with scala on too much "audiophle" records where mastering enginier "pupmed" up 7-10khz to make more "briliant" ,trasparency and "air" they are not listenable at all. when comparing diecty to Maestro utopia there is very audible diferencies on theese two speakers(where Maestro not sound so "pupmped up audiphile briliance sound")