Interesting comment on Bose Speakers.....

 I’ve heard quite a few audiophile speakers that used expensive drivers in ways that...well, didn’t suit my taste. Quite a few speakers using Focal tweeters made me feel like that guy in the movie Seven Beauties who went to “better  @@%%@!. Say what you want about Bose but a Bose speaker never made me want to leave the room.


Did you think for a moment the BPs just didnt marry well with your electronics...?

Too many times we blame the speakers.

Ishka: They married very well at the dealer's. Not so much at my home. I had the same amp/pre-amp combo as the dealer when I auditioned them.

So it was your room not the speakers.


Another reason so many audiophiles blame speakers when the room is the elephant.

I can extract miraculous results with speakers that have been written off.

I reccomend philes understand the room better.

I can play a set of Bose 301's in a diffused/ absorbed treated room with tube buffer pre that goes against the speakers recs with a Carver M500t and simple NAD pre that has other philes impressed and its not insincere.

There  is a wonderful overlooked world of rotating sets of speakers with various electronics and room treatment that negates in many cases judgement on equipmemt.