Interesting comment on Bose Speakers.....

 I’ve heard quite a few audiophile speakers that used expensive drivers in ways that...well, didn’t suit my taste. Quite a few speakers using Focal tweeters made me feel like that guy in the movie Seven Beauties who went to “better  @@%%@!. Say what you want about Bose but a Bose speaker never made me want to leave the room.

So it was your room not the speakers.


Another reason so many audiophiles blame speakers when the room is the elephant.

I can extract miraculous results with speakers that have been written off.

I reccomend philes understand the room better.

I can play a set of Bose 301's in a diffused/ absorbed treated room with tube buffer pre that goes against the speakers recs with a Carver M500t and simple NAD pre that has other philes impressed and its not insincere.

There  is a wonderful overlooked world of rotating sets of speakers with various electronics and room treatment that negates in many cases judgement on equipmemt.

Shtinky it was your room then. 

In the spirit of a true audiophile I experiment.

In one of my rooms treated with duffuser/absorbers from GIK and some home madetuned diffusers I have run a set of Bose 301 seriesV into a Carver M500t with a tube buffer pre between the amp and a Nad 7130 running as pre.

Stteaming to an Arcam irdac.... 

Not all speakers get along with their electronics or house they live in.

Until the Bashers hook up a set of some Bose speakers to their current electronics I wholeheartedly have to disagree with the bashers.

I think they would be pleasantly surprised and embarassed.


Ishka: I'm only speaking from experience with the BP10s (above). I have no experience with Bose in my house and don't think i ever will, as I've heard the 901s in different set-ups/environments and never liked them no matter the situation. Getting back to what i said, I tried the BP10s in different rooms and different houses, for that matter. I'm not saying my room wasn't a factor. I totally agree with you to some extent, but in the end, the NHT was a much better speaker for me.

Does anyone feel like Sonos is the new Bose - convenience, marketing, lifestyle? Three of my neighbors and my best bud all have Sonos. With this said, my wife purchased some Bose Cinemates when we purchased our first house. Honestly, not too shabby for what they were.