Internal Amp Wire: Can it be improved?

I just picked up a pair of Krell KMA 100's which are of a late 80's early 90's vintage. Being a tube fan, im quite impressed of the Krells on certain types of music. My question is, that the amp is wired internally with Monster wire. Has anyone ever rewired the internals of the amp, or have an opinion on if I would see an improvement if I did the Krells. (any suggestions on type or Brand of wiring would be appreciated) thx
Are you "handy" with a soldering iron....?? If you are proficient in electronics and feel capable and confident doing an upgrade yourself then I reckon you would notice an improvement with the Cardas wire. If you require any further info, etc give me an email. Good luck! Richard,
If I were you I'd contact Krell directly and get their opinion. They'll probably say don't do it, but be persistent and they'll give you some pointers/suggestions. I actually question whether the work is worth the potential sound quality improvement, but it you like soldering, who am I to say anything.
When you speak with someone at Krell, make sure it's a tech support person, rather than one in sales. Also if you rewire with Cardas, expect significant breakin time. You might also want to consider Kimber silver wire.
If you alter the electrical properties of the internal wiring, you might seriously impact the design relationships within. Unless you're an electrical engineer, or have Krell's approval, you shouldn't interfere with an already successful design.
whether you replace the wires or not, here's a cheap tweek. if the wires are currently bundled together to keep everything inside nice and neat, cut the ties and separate the wires abit (put some are between them as best you can given the space constraings). you may find a fuller more "bloomy" sound results.