Unclejeff, you are thinking that the industry WILL sort it out. The problem with that is that there is no such thing as an uncopyable digital file. You can make a digital file no more uncopyable than you can make water not wet.
DVD had copy protection, CSS, but it was cracked. Now, all DVDs can have their copy protection removed, so even if all future DVD players had DVI w/HDCP outputs, you could pop a DVD in your computer and use analog output.
HDTV has a chance of being locked down with HDCP. I would give it a few months after a switch gets flipped and people cannot use their high dollar 9" CRT units and we will see HDCP get cracked. It hasn't been cracked yet because nobody cares about cracking it.
DVD's copy protection wasn't broken by a pirate - it was broken by the legitimate DVD owner who wanted to play the disc in his own equipment. HDCP will be putting itself in the same situation. Like boxing's maxim of never betting on the white guy, we will have a corporate security system against a handful of skilled young hackers on a mission. You can guess where I would put my bet.
Also, remember that to make a few CRT front projectors obsolete, they will also be making over A HUNDRED MILLION voting Americans television sets just as useless. I don't know what congressmen would want to do that except maybe Fritz and Hollings.