Is a offer of -20 percent on an OBO ad insulting?

I made a offer 20% below the sellers asking price on a Krell last night. The seller emailed that I shouldn't waste his time with such a ridiculous offer and that he was blocking me from his email list. Was I out of line?
Maybe the seller has his thoughts that the asking price is more than fair, and that the buyer should be educated to know. What the seller fails to take into account is that there are always lots of Krells for sale. So its buyers choice. Seller is a tad upset that he's not getting enough response on his ad, not moving fast enough. If the seller tried to meet him half-way, 10%(take the hit and move on), it would have been a fair deal for both. The seller could easily have ignored his email.
Tweekerman, brings up good point. If a piece is put up for sale with "o b o" then a negotiable sale is implied.
In any given instance - yes or no.

Assuming the price is listed out fairly, an offer of 80% is insulting.

Lets take a Nordost Quattro Fil cable of 1 meter - they usually sell for between $750 and $800 on Audiogon. Assume a listing price of $750, and an offer of $600 - that is ridiculous, and not worth a reply.

Of course, the seller takes a risk of never selling the product too!
OBO means offers are being solicited. No, but I will take X is far easier to type and much more appropriate than the flaming you received. I vote for "putz" and agree that you are better off w/o him (esp. for a high availability item).