Is anyone familiar Holfi?

I have a Holfi Pre8 preamp that I purchased from Audiogon a couple of years ago and the gentleman that I purchased it from did not have the remote. I have contact Holfi several times requesting to buy a remote but I have never received an answer. Any information would be helpful. thanks...
@ Karelfd: Why post a message, now when you obviously don't know ANYTHING about the situation around this thread specific topic? Fact is:
1) The company Holfi is today closed, and has been for a few years.
2) Peter Holstein - the owner behind Holfi - is known for his extremely fine service, a service he even today continues to provide customers who own a Holfi product.

@ Couldbe: I will tomorrow try to get an address for Peter Holstein, and then you will get an email from me.
Chris10an, no reason to get excited (at least not on your side, that is). I have been SERIOUSLY interested in their "Magician" and have SERIOUSLY tried to get information, to no avail (mid 2009 following a test in Hifi&Records 3/09). Also, not a word about Holfi being closed on the website until today, everyone may judge for themselves whether they think that's "fine service".
Again, Holfi was closed before mid 2009.

"" is NOT the correct link to Holfi. ".de" is a link to a germans domain site, and Holfi is/was a Danish firm (= ".dk"). Is this Rocket science: ???
Sorry to see your Tourette worsening.

If Holfi was closed before mid 2009, there nevertheless was a test in H&R in mid 2009 on what was claimed to be a new product. On the basis of that test I tried to reach them in Denmark (.dk, yes have some notion of political geography). As I said, I was redirected to the German distributor under (appears pretty official to me, if Klang Konzeption and Audience, the alleged distributors are impostors, you better tell Peter Holfi, huh). That site will still turn up if one looks up Holfi today, and not a word about Holfi going belly up for whatever reason.

Be that as it may, if Couldbe gets his remote via your exclusive contact, I'm happy about that (hey, why didn't you reply in the first place).

As to this amusing chat, I'm out of here, blimey.