Is audio a kind of spiritual journey?


Some weeks ago, I read a post in another audio forum that tried to explain that somehow the search for good sound is a spiritual journey.

It mad me think and I wonder, are we just searching for good sound? maybe that good sound is opening some windows or gates in us?

What lies at the essence of what experience when when our system sounds great?

what effect does that produces in us? is it just mere pleasure?
is there something more to it?
when we feel transported by the sound of a melody do we transcend the ordinary?

What do you think?
"The Church of Audiology" LOL.

The hobby itself is nothing more than that, a hobby. However, as one furthers themselves in it, beliefs take on a dogmatic vein that borders on religion. One need look no further than here to realize just how we corrupt the spiritual nature that one can achieve in this hobby in order to give meaning and validity to our beliefs, debates, and rants.

And I mean that in a good way as it's just our nature to do things this way. :-)

All the best,
It's just stereo. Nothing more. Sorry.
Now, some music is spiritual, but I won't ruin this audiophile thingy by mentioning music.

I believe all people are spiritual and that we're all on a spiritual path whether we know it or not.

Any time I'm able to have those moments when I can let go of all my worries and thoughts and just be in the moment- is so precious.

There's times when I'm listening to music and I feel so lost in the music that I can feel the emotions of what the music is expressing. That is when my stereo is most satisfying for me.
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Why Elizabeth, I think you've stumbled onto something without intending to.

1) an inanimate object worshiped for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered inhabited by a spirit.
2) a course of action to which one has an excessive and irrational commitment.
3) a form of sexual desire in which gratification is linked to an abnormal degree to a particular object, item of clothing, part of the body, etc.

Its origin comes from the old West African use of an amulet or charm.

I can see where any audiophile can or will fall into the first two descriptions and worry of any who would fall into the third. It just may account for the angst shown here.

All the best,