Is D for Dry? Class D...

Class D sounds dry and lifeless... thats all, carry on
Sounds like an archaic comment from someone who's only heard cheap crap. Some of the top high end speakers being made today, like Dutch & Dutch 8C or HEDD Type 20 use Class D amps and sound spectacular, refined, accurate. Go back to 1985 and enjoy your life. 

I have had a number of removed posts reinserted after contacting AGon. Some of these mods are way too PC


Keep in mind the dac in the now ~ 10 y/o 105 is far from SOTA, as is the AA dac/pre, meaning a significant dac or dac/pre upgrade might well be more accurate without being hot, but... Typically, dac/pres are a rare breed, and separates may, or may not, be a significant upgrade, depending on additional; iso devices, power cords and cabling. Alas, those are $$$$$, and since everything is a compromise, one must choose their poison based on wallet.

Underwood is now selling a wide range of Audio-GD kit. Their R2R dacs and preamps look excellent, with extraordinary build quality. Their R2R-1 FPGA PCM/DSD DAC @ $1,199.00 might be an upgrade to my now 5 y/o AA DDP-1. For the well heeled; R7HE MK2 State of the art Resistor Ladder DAC FPGA controlled upgradable DAC w/regenerative power supply $4990.00

As I understood your earlier post, the WW optical cable seemed to be the factor rounding off the original "hot" sound of the EVS1200.  Which cable produced the "hot" sound?

As you know, my limited experience of GaN with the Merrill Element 114 only, showed warmish sound.  I am certainly open to hearing about other GaN amps, but so far, the IceEdge 1200 module seems to be SOTA.
Thanks for posting the hometheaterhifi review of the IV7.  His reference amps are the BAT and Pass, which are euphonic.  All the musical and movie examples he cites show more clarity/detail from the IV7 than from his reference amps.  At the end, he claims that the IV7 still has a tiny bit of treble grain.  This shows a lack of understanding of HF detail.  The real thing--live unamped instruments and voices--can be quite irritating heard at close range where microphones are placed even at only moderately loud SPL's.  Many euphonically oriented listeners say that the unpleasant HF detail is treble grain.  I interpret that review as 100% glowing enthusiasm, if you know how to review the reviewer.  It is still useful, and I commend his descriptions of musical examples.

As for your one customer who preferred his $14K/pr tube amps to the EVS1200, you know what I would say to that.  Everyone is entitled to his preference, but so far, I have not heard anyone who did an A/B of an IceEdge 1200 AS1 amp with any expensive "SOTA" amp say that such a "SOTA" amp had better clarity/information retrieval.  The most informative person is zephyr24069 who didn't have the Esoteric Grandioso M1 mono blocks at the same time as his Legacy IV4 ultra, and made a judgment in retrospect that they were comparable.  But he said that the Esoteric A-02 stereo was warmer.  So I'll go on record here and say that nobody has yet heard any amp of better clarity/detail than the best implementations of IceEdge 1200 AS1.  The highbrow types that own and dealers who sell, uber expensive amps would never submit to an A/B with a cheap great class D amp and report the results in an unbiased manner.  Their egos and businesses are at stake.