Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Kal, I reread your review. Your comments are consistent with my anecdotal experience.

DEQX really needs to do a better job with a user-friendly instruction manual. Perhaps, even default "(recommended)" settings and promsst for the non-tech user.

Even still .. a great addition to the audiophile's tool box.
I heard their room at the RMAF and do not believe DEQX is a game changer. My impression consists of a catch 22 scenario. Hotel rooms are difficult to achieve a decent sound. DEQX is suppose to correct room responses and fix this situation. The DEQX room sounded way more boomy than it should have when DEQX was bypassed - making it seem to me like they purposely made the room sound worse than it should have. It sounded slightly better with DEQX engaged, but "game changer" is a pretty strong statement, and unlike many rooms at RMAF that I enjoyed multiple visits, I had no desire to return to the DEQX room after leaving. It probably didn't help that the DEQX folks running the room were the most pushy and annoying people working the show.
Well folks, we'll see how the DEQX works out in my room and with my speakers. The speakers (SP Tech Revelations) are too big for my room (will be moving shortly and couldn't turn down on those speakers). So I am really hoping for some real help from the room correction functionality.

Will let y'all know how the HDP-4 works out for me.
Roscoe, an A'gon audio pal is thinking about picking up a DEQX. I'm sure he'll be quite interested in reading your comments.

I bought the PreMATE in September and am satisfied with the results.

Btw, as I am sure you know, the DEQX does BOTH room correction and time coherence alignment.

Are you planning on using the DEXPert service. I recommend that you do ... unless you are very, very technical.
A'gon audio pal here :-)

Roscoe, congratulations on the purchase! As Bruce (Bif) indicated, I'm looking forward to reading of your experiences.

My plan is to purchase the recently released HDP-5 in March or thereabouts, although the HDP-4 would no doubt serve my purposes just as well. But I find myself unable to resist the added coolness of the touchscreen display on the -5.

Enjoy! Best regards,
-- Al