Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
To Al & Roscoe - when you get your DEQXs' I am happy to help with any aspect of explanation or setup if you need it...
Thanks very much, Drewan. I've been keeping in mind the kindly offer of assistance you had made earlier in the thread.

Best regards,
-- Al
Yes, many thanks Drewan. That is very very much apreciated. I will likely be in touch after the DEQX arrives. You rule!
DEQX is here! Did an initial set-up quickly using the DEQX wizards. But will probably tweak a bit today. Some of the measurements suggest I might need to get some room treatments behind my listening position, and might benefit from some different speaker placement.

Drewan77, I'll be in touch once I've got this tweaking worked out.