Yes, "all digital" systems are on the way. And I agree have the potential to significantly lower costs and improve sound.
About 20 audio manufacturers (mainly from Japan) have developed a consortium to research DSD/SACD all digital systems. If it's going to be all digital, might as well use the best currently available (DSD/SACD).
But there will always be a highend, as long as someone is willing to pay the price.
BTW times have really changed. In the 1960's, highend was a Marantz receiver or power amp feeding into $300 AR-3a speakers with a $100 AR turntable.
Now, even a $3,000 receiver with $2,000 speakers and a $1,000 CD player is not considered highend by some.
About 20 audio manufacturers (mainly from Japan) have developed a consortium to research DSD/SACD all digital systems. If it's going to be all digital, might as well use the best currently available (DSD/SACD).
But there will always be a highend, as long as someone is willing to pay the price.
BTW times have really changed. In the 1960's, highend was a Marantz receiver or power amp feeding into $300 AR-3a speakers with a $100 AR turntable.
Now, even a $3,000 receiver with $2,000 speakers and a $1,000 CD player is not considered highend by some.