Is it good for a Krell to SIT for 3-5yrs

I have been told that the worst thing you can do is let a big Krell sit in its box for years.I was told the caps all dry out especially if it has not been serviced for 10yrs.I am looking for a KSA 300s but they are all just sitting in the closet then coming out for Big Bucks.Is this not bad for them?
Krells use alot of Nichicon caps and I have had to rework a ca. 1998 amp board in a Krell where it had 28 of those caps installed as bypasses or something. A third of them were leaking. One shorted a power buss. The cost of new Nichicon equivalent caps was not great, to replace all 28 of them. If a third are bad, the rest will follow soon. Was just a PITA to install them but not expensive. Now if you send to the factory, expect a huge huge bill that might force you to sell and alot of waiting. Good luck with that.
Thank you very much gents.Please keep the posts coming!
I have been looking for a 300s for awhile now and I have found several DEALERS/AUDIOPHILES(people who know better)who donnot care about the next guy and knowingly sell these items at a price that should be asked for a fully serviced/used price.Solo8008 is a prime example(sorry to hear)of this and I want to make it aware for the next generation as they will be the future of hi-end audio.
I still believe these older workhrses can fill a room with joy if they are rebuilt and in good shape.I have learned alot about caps here also.
Thanks for the heads up but I already knew enough to avoid Krell. There's so much other really wonderful stuff out there I can't be bothered with overpriced pretenders.
Not to avoid Krell...Just make sure Dealers/sellers dont take advantage of you.I have been searching for a KSA300s that was a 9/10 and serviced...AND found one that was just recapped last May and in 9/10 condition for a ""FAIR""" price.They are out there.
But funny thing was that I contacted 4 dealers who are selling some 12+yr old amps,never serviced(or maybe only one was out of 2 monoblocks)and act as if there overpriced Item is a DEAL. So watch out.