Is It Safe To Connect Speakers To Two Amps??

i've got a combined HT and 2-Channel rig whereby my mains and subs function in both. i'm currently using the traditional connection scheme whereby the HT processor sends signals to the mains via the pre outs to my preamp (in bypass mode) then on to my main power amps, then on to the speakers.

if i wanted to bypass my preamp and main power amps althogther (it's a shame to burn tube hours on movies), is it safe to simply connect my main speakers to the HT processor via speaker level connections if they are also connected to my main power amps concurrently? only one amp - HT processor OR main amps - would be running at a time.

any inputs would be greatly appreciated.
if my primary reason was to protect a quality tube amp in the first place, I definitely would not risk it.
The relay system I'm referring to would be in the switch. I should have said the protection system used in the switch, might offer zero protection for the amp, in this case.
I've been using the Niles unit for nearly 10 years without issues, it does exactly what you want.
Tklp, what tube amp are you using?

Niles themselves have concerns about keeping a load on the tube amp at all times, in this speaker switch(link below). They recommend an extra resistor on the tube amp at all times on some products. I don't know if the 150ohm,5 watt resistor would be safe for all amps. I would not try it, unless the company that built the amp says ok. The other switches do not even mention tube amps, and whether it would be safe. Maybe the manufacturer of your amp could recommend what to do. This PDF link is for a speaker switch, that expresses the load at all times. Pages 4-7. []
One other possibility might be to shut your tube amp down (its own power switch) while the music is still playing. I don't know if this this would be safe for your tube amp. If not, let the tube amp at least cool down enough so the tubes can't amplify anymore (few minutes?). Then switch it over with a good switch that doesn't use resistors while playing. This might be one to ask your amp company to see if it's safe to do. Others please chime in, if this is not a good idea. I'm not sure.