Is it still worth buying a Lumin x1 in 2023?



i currently have a Lumin D2 in my system, and i want to upgrade (I know ... typical audiophile problem :-) ).

My system is the following:

Speakers: Spendor sp100r2

Amp: Grandionote Shinai

Streamer: Lumin D2

Power isolation: Puritan PSM 156

Why do i want to upgrade?

I want "more of everything": more clarity, more details, more extension on both ends, better vocals, less digital sounding ... I like music, i don't want something too analytical. I want to be able to seat, enjoy and relax.


I've considering adding a DAC to my D2, but a local dealer told me that i should change my streamer and get a T3.

Initially i had this list of DAC in mind (5k price range):

  • T+A DAC 200 
  • Gen. Grand DSDac 1.0 Deluxe
  • Sould note D2
  • Aqua La Scala

Then, looking around, i found a great deal on a demo Lumin X1 ... a bit more than my budget ... but i can stretch.

Now my question: I read a lot of very positive review on the X1, but i'm a little nervous because it is a 5y old device ... and it will be a big investment, quesiton:

  • is it wise to go for a 5y old device
  • How long will i be able to enjoy it before services stop working on it?
  • Is it it better to get a new DAC and connect it to my D2 (and eventually upgrade to a more modern streamer later)?
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Will i get a better sound with the x1 compared to the D2 + a modern DAC in the 5k price range?

What do you all think?







Congrats. I went through the same journey  - D2, then traded for a T2 (still have in another system), then contemplated the big leap to the X1. The X1 is everything others have said, a massive leap from the D2. I listened to the T3, the X1, and a Bartok. I paid about $8k for the X1 and have never regretted it. 

I did upgrade the Ethernet switch to an Optical switch and it helped further improve the sound.


The X1 is absolutely still worth getting in 2023. So far ahead of it’s time when it first came out that it’s still kind of ahead of it’s time today.

The Lumin X2 is about to be released. I’ve been very temped to buy an X1, but have the same concerns many have discussed here. its the one piece in my system where I worry about it being outdated too soon.

I see I have posted some comments here. Let me add one more.

I needed a DAC after I sold the X1. I could not wait until I had funds for the PlayBack Designs. I read up on the new Schitt Yggi+ (3 versions available). I decided to give the Less is More version a test drive ($2400).

To my surprise I think it is even better than the X1. I am using a Sonore Optical Rendu to stream. So that is an additional cost for me, but it is still cheaper than the X1.

I posted in the past that the X1 streaming vs Optical Rendu streaming sound different. Both are very good, with a slight preference by me for the Rendu.