Is It Worh Modding An Amp

I have a Primaluna Dialogue One that sits idle as a backup.  I’m debating the idea of having it modded. Problem is I have no idea what can or should be upgraded or if the amp is worth the investment. Id be willing to fork over 500-1000 if it was worth it and made sense compared to what else I could do with the funds.  Curious what people’s experiences and thoughts are? 


Sounds like it’s a coin toss at best that I’d really get good value out of upgrading. I guess if anyone is looking for a Primaluna Dialogue One hit me up. Thanks everybody! 

I suggest a look at the Mullard CV 4004 and then play with the Ultra-linear vs Triode.

When the U-L or Tetrode is discovered, then the 12 AU7 can be looked at for an exchange tube.   

I have had excellent results modding multiple amps, both solid state and tube.  Never once failed to get an improvement in sound.  What's the downside?  One downside is resale value.  However, I buy my equipment for my own sonic enjoyment so...

Jay mark agree ++++. My plinius was modded by changing the wiring and speaker binding post. I have it for almost 20yrs now.

I would just roll tubes. Easy to do, easily reversible, many combinations available between all the preamp and power tube combos, won’t hurt resale, plus the unused tubes can be kept for future amps or just resold.