@effischer ,
Glad that you're making progress and have experienced more of the capabilities of your excellent Mac C50! Just a couple of questions/ suggestions:
Have you by chance downloaded and installed the software drivers and setup instructions from Mcintoshlabs.com?
Use a good USB cable (e.g. Belkin Gold) to connect your computer to the USB port on C50.
Then, look up
"USB Audio Windows Driver A Version 2.0 Installation and Operation Guide"
The driver install file is located right below the Guide.
Once this is installed, restart JRiver which will recognize and list it as a McIntosh-specific Asio driver option, that you should select.(Tools/Options/Audio Device).
This Centrance (third party) software is great stuff, btw.
Then look up and follow
-- "McIntosh 32/192 PCM DAC, Preferred Settings to Play all File Types with JRiver Media Engine 20 using a Windows 7 or 8 Computer" --
This file is for the C52 but it steps you through what you also need for your C50.
You should now have direct control over all the flexibility that the C50 DAC will allow. Try selecting AUTO when given that option.
As for metadata mgmt,
Go to first principles...Try just ripping a single Flac file, store it locally on your computer, and use JRiver's Library management tools ( well documented on JRiver website) to define the file path to your file as a Library, then set that as your active library. Save. Then it will persist when you log off. You can then load as many other files into this path (Now a Library) as you wish. Or create and load other libraries. A Next step is to then use DLNA protocol to define any file set on your network and activate that as your Library for JRiver to manage.
Apologies if you are already beyond this level of detail. Just let me add that Using ASIO protocol and the USB asynchronous port is the recommended connection for your DAC, as it is with many other higher end DACs.
Hope this helps, good luck.