I think what confused people by your simple answer of "Yes", was that the TITLE to this thread was:
"Is Music Hall out of business".
Your answer of YES through some people off, as they looked at the title, rather than at the question inside the thread.
By the way, since we have coresponded before regarding the Revel Studios, (which we both own), I thought I would let you know that I have upgraded my amplifiers to the Lamm M2.1s.
Wow! They have turned what I once considered good speakers into great speakers. (The extended frequency response that these speakers are capable of, given the right amps, is amazing. Not to mention the soundstaging and imaging.) If you ever get a chance to listen to a system with these amps, you should take the opportunitiy, IMHO. (They are the best amplifiers I have heard, and thanks to my "ever upgrading" buddy, I have heard quite a few amps. Although even he has stated that he has finally found his final amps, the Lamm M2.2s!)
Although, I have not heard your particular Classe amps, so I have no comparision to your amps. (Although my same buddy had the CA-401 for years, before he too discovered the Lamms). Anyway, thought you might be interested.