Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?

Parasound Halo P3
Parasound Halo A21
JPS Labs Superconductor2 BiWire Cable
JPS Labs Superconductor2 Balanced XLR Interconnects
Totem Acoustic Mani-2 Signatures
Totem Acoustic T4L Stands
Totem Acoustic Beaks (2 pair)

I have yet to deceide on a CDP, and the JPS Labs stuff is shipping right now. Is my setup considered mid-level or hi-end to users on this board and what do you think is my weakest link? And what should I be looking at for CDP's?
I have a very similar setup, but Totem Forests instead of mani's, and transparent/analysis plus cables, using a sony scd-1 with parasound halo p3/a21 combo. I think it's great, and sounds very much as others have described: clean, transparent, musical, etc., but it all depends on what you think. I was totally happy with my pre/power combo until I listened to some things that cost like 3 times as much. Now I'm looking into getting rid of the halo which my friend has called 'mid-fi'. I was never unhappy with them, and don't think they're mid-fi by any means, I just found something better sounding. At the price point they're tough to beat, unless you're going used. I agree though that they may not have enough WPC to really make your mani's sing. A simple and cheap upgrade would be to buy another A21 and bridge the two.
My systems are always mid-fi. My dream systems are real hi-fi. The last time I dreamed up a really good hi-fi system I was near $100,000 but what the heck you have to aspire to something. When I wake up I still like the system I have, it's very satisfying.

My dream system comes in at 100,000.01- 100,000.02 if I go with green. That said, it is very large! It is very, very heavy! In my dream I cant budge it, and the dealer is very old and skinny and italian. He wants me to go-tank you... have fun. tank you... adios! The whole dream is badly dubbed, and words hang in the air, and the system just sits there!
At then end of the day when you come home and play your music - it should relax you, make you want to play more, set you in that toe-tapping mood. If it cannot do that, then whatever the cost/brand - it is a shame-fi!!