There is no physical change to stylus/groove/speed interaction relative to volume.
I am going to presume: the noise is there at low volume, only readily apparent at loud volumes.
Assuming the cartridge/stylus is undamaged, not worn out:
My Guess: Anti-skate too low or too high may be present, but is not the problem. Many play with zero anti-skate. I hear l to r imbalance when it is off, but not the described noise.
I suspect your AZIMUTH is incorrect, the stylus ’crooked in the groove’ a bit. That can/will make those kind of noises, and again I suspect the noise is there at low volume, only readily apparent at loud volumes.
How does your TT arm allow Azimuth adjustment? Do you have a removable headshell?
IF so, some headshells provide for azimuth adjustment, here’s one, metal ones exist also, ebay:
My method to set azimuth is use a mirror the thickness of an LP, under the cartridge/stylus when adjusting. Amazon:
These acrylic blocks with grid lines are helpful
. Amazon:
$10. AZIMUTH and VTA Alignment Block: clear actylic with Grid of Lines
but the mirror: view from the front, any slight deviation from straight will be reflected ’opposite’ in the mirror, thus easy to detect.
Sometimes the cantilever/stylus tip is not perfectly aligned with the cartridge body or headshell, so concentrate on the stylus/cantilever.
IF your cantilever is ’bent’ off-center, ’too much’ which can happen, then errant noises can occur, revealed at high volumes.
By the way, an easy way to adjust anti-skate is visually, via a blank grooveless LP.
$15. ALIGNMENT DISC: one side: Lines for Overhang and Two NULL Points
ANTI-SKATE: other blank side: spin platter manually, adjust anti-skate control while watching
1st: no anti-skate, set tracking force.
next set anti-skate. forget the dials/scales, set it visually:
blank side up, spin manually: no anti-skate, it pulls in to the center. add a bit of anti-skate, pulls in less. more anti-skate, less.
eventually it pulls out, that’s too much. Find an amount that keeps the arm steady at two points, like the inner and outer null point locations (no need to be perfect) If seems rignt but not always steady, go for slight inward pull rather than outward pull.