Is Singlepower still in bussiness?

I have been looking into various headphone amps and liked what reviews "Singlepower" has received. Well except for being slow to delver. But thier link to thier site dose not work. Are they still around?
Check out comments on HeadFi and you'll learn all about the state of affairs at SinglePower.
Singlepower (Mikhail) took $6K from me about four years ago and never gave me anything. Check out how many others either got ripped off, or had to send there amps to other techs for serious repair. Threads are all over about all the people who got ripped off by them.
Just forget this one, unless you are able to fix it elsewhere, if need it. When the business was running, lots of folks were, some still are, very impressed by the sound of it, but at the end, end means end, pity...