Is the Cary SLP-05 still relavant?

Given the history and reviews of this preamp with its ability for tube rolling and its "Ultimate" upgradeability, Where does it stand as a premium offering vs something like the PS Audio BHK? Is it still relevant? It still gets sporadic press, but has fallen out from Stereophile recommended equipment list.
If this question is posted in most local audio buddies clubs, @emb5’s answer is almost consensus.

Another funny indicator is whether the product is still listed with full information on the manufacture’s site. If you cannot even download an user manual, it’s history!

Cary SLP 05 is an odd case. It’s still on Cary’s site, but one could argue that it’s for the wrong reason: Cary doesn’t seem to make relevant products for a while. It needs SLP 05 (plus some other true classic products) to beef up the great reviews line-up.

I owned it for a couple of years. I never felt it was anything special even with quality NOS tubes from Andy at VTS. I find ARC preamps to be vastly superior. For same $$$ you can pick up a used LS28. It's better in every dimension as far as I am concerned and no worry about tube rolling or spending stupid money on NOS 6SN7s.
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