Is the EMM DAC6e or DCC2 /CDSD the best out there?

Is this the best digital front end ever?

What about

Reiymo CDP 777?
dCS gear?
Audio Aero Prestige?

Any other contenders?
Jfz, this is correct for most of the posts around online forums. Please see your email.

Sorry Alex but in no way shape or form will your latest toy compete with my Teres/Graham/Zyx. Maybe in a few years you'll have a case.
stan - i had a Teres 265, SME V, Van den Hul Colibri combo, which was every bit as nice as your setup. (actually, nicer as i see it, as i prefer SME to Graham, and VdH to ZYX)

i sold it for EMMlabs gear, and guess what?

those bits sound better to my ears. the fact that you prefer the distortions of vinyl over the distortions of digital doesn't mean that they're better. they're better to you, perhaps, but your blanket statements are tiresome and flawed.

the fact that Alex's work has compared favorably to my beloved EMM gear (besting it by some accounts, although i'll have to hear it for myself to believe it) tells me that, as far as what's important to *me*, you're dead-ass wrong.

although, what's important to me shouldn't mean a damn thing to you at all. and i'm not gonna sit here and tell you that what you prefer in sound reproduction is wrong. please do the rest of us the same favor and end the condescention.
Unfortunately Lazarus a Teres 265 isn't a 340, an SME V isn't a Graham Phantom, and a Colibri isn't a Zyx UNIverse so I can understand why you like the EMM more than your vinyl stuff. Perhaps also you need to justify the cost of the EMM but my vinyl system will embarrass your digital system. Maybe you should consider a system upgrade and return to vinyl.
Stan--I would be only too happy to take you up on your challenge. I agree that vinyl is wonderful however in my system with the CDSD and the DAC6e I would be only too happy to have you over for an audition to quash your bombasity :) .