Is the Rives Audio Parc an audiophile component

Just reading about this Rives Audio Parc , and was wondering if this is truly an audiophile component for a 2 channel system. Any experience thoughts would be appreciated. Would somwone actually add this unit to a $50K system?

Season Greetings
The Behringer unit only costs a couple hundred dollars at Guitar Center (it is a pro piece). Could be worth it to try one and see what kind of improvement equalization provides in your system before spending big bucks. If it helps you can always upgrade to a rives or manley unit and use the behringer in a home theater or sell it. If your room has a few significant spikes you may even find the beringher actually does more good than harm, audiophile piece or not.
Just in case it wasn't clear, I said most audiophiles use the Behringer on the sub only, i.e., it ruins the sound when used full range.
Here is my question: if you have a older bi-amp system, which came with a bass contour device, however is RCA and you want to run all balanced components from a DAC into a ARC tube pre-amp, then into two power amplifiers, one tube for the mid-high and one SS for the bass; is it possible the Rives Audio Parc would not cut into the high pass and defeat, or add to the natural passive crossover? I would like to use it if it worked as the original bass contour without the old parts and RCA inputs and outputs. The three parametric EQ would be an advantage, if only this did not cut the out the higher frequencies to any extent. If it does have a high pass crossover, what is available the uses audiophile XLR for balanced analogue components?