is there a consensus on too short speaker cables?

I normally use 6 ft cables - which are in abundance used. 8 ft seems to be more common. I'm going to get new cables and intend to go with 5 foot length - since this is as long as I need. My only reservation is given the fact that selling them is inevitable next time I upgrade - would 5 ft be less saleable than 6 ft? Is this nit-picking?

According to Chris Sommovigo of Stereovox you can have longer interconnects, but short speaker cables.

This is a link to an interview conducted by Positive Feedback Online:


"An old friend, who is an MIT insider, once told me that Bruce Brissen says speaker cables needs to be at least 8 ft to propigate a solid bass wave.

Couldn`t be more wrong, but that doesn`t co me as a surprise. Most cable-designers have no clue of what they`re doing, they`re just making money.

Speakercabes must be seen as a part of the amps powercicuit and should be as short as possible. For transistor-amps they also need to be thicker than most "experts" claims, positive and negastive signal-halfs should be kept apart (to avoid interference) and conductors should be thick & massive, not stranded or flat.
>>Most cable-designers have no clue of what they`re doing, they`re just making money.<<

What is your technical discipline and/or expertise to make such a misguided statement?

It's a fact that many cable manufacturers have electrical engineering, physics, and other scientific degrees so let's not jump to conclusions when speaking about other people who are far more knowledgable than thee.
" What is your technical discipline and/or expertise to make such a misguided statement?

If you haven`t realised this before I`m afraid I can`t help you mister, too bad.
One of the rasons why I know is because I`m bright enough to understand what really counts in this picture. The clue is: keep it clean, heavy and simple