Oh how right you are Phil. So far as telling anyone you have something called a BAM or if you like bam, as part of an audio system, I see your concern. God forbid that a Flinstone character could be in any way connected to a high end audio system, what would ones non-audiophile friends think if they knew? So in answer to that, don't tell or better yet don't use the acronym call it what it is, a Bass Augumentation Module. So far as the ML Requests over the Merlins, to each his own. I am not a big ML fan but am quite familiar with their early to their present products. If you really think the Request would smoke the Merlins might I suggest that 1) You have NEVER heard the Merlins period. 2)You have never heard the Merlins properly set-up or 3) You have never done an AB (I haven't either, don't need to). The ML's DO NOT integrate the bass well with the electrostatic panels, that is a real problem for me. I didn't like the Sequels which was their first attempt at integrating the two and I still don't. The Request has the same problem as the others, it doesn't sound right and brings attention to itself every time I listen. The Merlins IMHO have a midrange and highs that are as NATURAL and coherent as I have heard from any dynamic speaker system, no exaggeration or emphasis of any of the frequencies AND they are seamless at ALL frequencies unlike the planer designs that attempt to integrate a dynamic driver. The real problem with the Merlins is that they have such amazing resolution that they reveal all the deficiencies of everything upstream. Bass is deep and very well defined, they just can't defy the laws of physics but work quite well in a small to medium size room (especially with that BAM). And last but far from least is the DYNAMIC capability of the Merlin's, it is life like when properly set-up and with the ideal matching components. The ML dont even come close. I have not heard ANY speaker system which will SMOKE them. Sound more spectacular? maybe on some recordings. Sound more pleasing on certain recordings? surely. Sound more accurate? Not yet. It is once again a matter of What is your preference Sir? Maybe your Avante-Garde Duo's are better, I haven't heard them, but certainly have read many mixed comments on them. I suspect their shortcomings are similar, trying to integrate two different technologies in a seamless coherent manner is a very challenging problem that hasnt been solved.