Is Wadia 861se close to the best?

I have the opportunity to buy a Wadia 861se, essentially new, for an excellent price. I have been waiting for the new Spectral CD player, but the Wadia price is tempting. Is the Wadia comparable to the best?
The 861 is very good. The Great Northern Sound modified one is even better. The only player that I preferred to the modified version is the fabulous Accuphase DP-75V - similarly detailed and dynamic, but with a very analog-like presentation that keeps drawing you into the music.
The SE offers a considerable improvement over the standard 861. I lived with the 861 for almost 2 years before adding the SE upgrade.
Correction: Does the "se" still need Great Northern Sound upgrade? If so, which: standard or custom? How much is each upgrade?
Kocsis- if there's any question in your mind about the
861SE's performance, then wait for the Spectral.

The Spectral won't need a $3K GNS mod to make it sound good.

If you've got $10K and can't wait check out the Theta Gen VIII.