Is Wadia 861se close to the best?

I have the opportunity to buy a Wadia 861se, essentially new, for an excellent price. I have been waiting for the new Spectral CD player, but the Wadia price is tempting. Is the Wadia comparable to the best?
The SE offers a considerable improvement over the standard 861. I lived with the 861 for almost 2 years before adding the SE upgrade.
Correction: Does the "se" still need Great Northern Sound upgrade? If so, which: standard or custom? How much is each upgrade?
Kocsis- if there's any question in your mind about the
861SE's performance, then wait for the Spectral.

The Spectral won't need a $3K GNS mod to make it sound good.

If you've got $10K and can't wait check out the Theta Gen VIII.
d70 combo which i own has more depth
and detailing far superior to anything that i have heard.
add a power cord. you reach nirvana.