Isolation: IsoAcoustic vs Townshend Audio

Has anyone used both IsoAcoustic and Townshend Audio isolation products and if you have did you notice any difference in performance?

i was interested in this subject   just thinking what %%% better is Townsend 

I have both products, and could probably do a comparison, but it would take some work to set up.  I have the ZaZen and the Townsend air platform.  ZaZen is on my turntable and the air platform is on my XBOX One. (but, why for an XBOX?  Well...when you play blurays, the disk spins, that causes vibration and vibration reflection.  An acoustic platform mitigates that.)

I had been wondering if I shouldn't flip them. 

With my speakers, I own the Isoacoustic Gaia 1’s and then bought the Townshend podiums. The Townshend is superior by far (my estimate to be about 50%+) in terms of sonic improvement.

I ended up placing the Gaia’s under my JL subs.
