Isolation systems

I have an equipment rack that utilizes a system that has an anti-resonant material on the underside of the shelves. The rods supporting that rack are said to drain vibration from the rack into the rods and into the spiked footers. My question is, with this type of isolation system would Townshend seismic corners be beneficial or would they negate the system built into the rack. I hope this question makes sense. Trying to make improvements that would be improve on what I already have and not hinder.  Thanks for any advice.


Honestly, I don’t think there is any way to predict in advance how any isolation system will sound to you except by trying. If you are interested in a sprung-type isolation, I suggest you try the Nobsound springs from Amazon for $30 and see what you think. I use them under my transport and they are quite good to my ears. But I think it’s a mistake to knee jerk into thinking you will prefer the sound of your system with extra isolation over the component sitting on its own feet. It’s all about preference. The Townshend products have received very good reviews from owners here, so I doubt you would go wrong, but there’s no way to predict how they will interact with your rack, IMO. Give the nobsounds a try. I’m not big on footers, but they made a surprising difference given the cost. OTOH, I did not like them at all under my speaker stands. Enjoy. 

The only time I've really heard a difference with footers, isolation, etc, is with a turntable.  In that case, get a minus K platform for your turntable.  Otherwise, for other components, based on my experience, any auditory improvement will probably be minimal if any at all.  

Many variables. What type of flooring, acoustical room treatments, how loud, etc. The Townshend podiums made a significant improvement under my speakers with a suspended floor. Hard to predict the results for a rack. I use after-market footers under each of my components.

TMR offers a trial period. Perhaps try one of these.

I’m in the process of moving my rack back a few feet and it’s going to be a pain. I have done some research on Carbide Audio, Townshend, and Nordost footers for racks, in place of the original spikes. For the prices they charge don’t really want to buy and not be sure if I hear a difference. Even, if I audition, I’d like to get it done to the one that on paper sounds the most  promising. Taking that rack a part and reassemble and place equipment, will be a pain. I appreciate everyone’s input. Thanks