It is 5 AM, Do you Know where Mikey Fremer is?

At a garage sale, so Mikey tells us on his latest DVD. He must be the ultimate vinyl junkie, always looking for more, more, more. Are you part of his competition?

It appears the long ago, Mikey moved from one who just listens, to one who just collects for the 'just must have' but no time to listen school. Sad.

Does that describe you? What part of your music collection has never been listen to, 20%, 50%, more?
I enjoyed it and picked up some great tips. I went out and bought a vegetable brush (to clean my brushes) and static guard for the rug. No more needing to touch my rack before I touch my rig. Also learned some better techniques for cleaning, etc, not to mention a little primer on collecting. I started with vinyl at a very young age (like many of us) and just thought I knew what I was doing. I wasn't far off but the tips were well worth the price of the DVD. Not to mention, nothing else out there DVD wise.
All vinyl lovers should be thanking Mikey. He is part of the reason for the rebound that vinyl has made. And he is very knowledgeable.
Mikey does get a lot of man-crush worship from the vinyl crowd. I'd love to hear his system, and I'm sure he's a great guy, but there are some folks getting carried away with the 33 1/3 RPM Superman stuff.
I have about 2,000 LPs of which I've listened to maybe half of. I am now going through the winter doldrums and received a Perfection steam cleaner for Christmas, so I have been busy rediscovering some gems that I own and have not played because of their condition.
Last weekend I decided to integrate the LPs that I have purchased and not found room for on the shelves. I found enough duplicates and some triplicates (DSOTM/Pink Floyd), to make a donation of 84 LPs to our local Habitat for Humanity store.