iTunes Importing?

1. What "CODEC" do you use to import CDs into iTunes?

2. If using very large hard drives should WAV or AIFF be used?

3. What is the difference between WAV and AIFF?

4. Does Apple Lossless sound as good as "uncompressed"?

5. Does iTunes "rip" CDs "bit for bit"?

Thanks for sharing your time!
Apple Lossless works for me; but I only use my iPod when travelling.

On the 'plane with my Total Airhead II and Bose Quiet Comfort 2 N/C 'phones, it gives me more pleasure than I could have imagined.

1. Itunes natively rips CD's.. there shouldn't be any required plug ins.
2. WAV files can not be tagged with song/artist/album information... so using WMA/FLAC/Apple lossless allows this and these are smaller since they use compression (but are bit perfect)
3. WAV are raw audio files on an Audio CD..
4. Give it a listen there are plenty of threads saying they can hear a difference. I can't even in my system comparing FLAC to WAV. (I do not use Itunes)
5. If you want perfect bit for bit rips you need a PC not a MAC (unless there is a program out now)... get a Plextor drive and use Plextools or download EAC (Exact Copy) freeware and setup your CD-ROM drive to extract CD's perfectly. Then you can convert those WAV to Applelossless in Itunes I believe.
On 2/3, WAV isn't really the native file on the CD, its the native bits on the CD in a MS-DOS/Windows file wrapper. The AIFF, I believe, is the same thing in an Apple wrapper.
Ed, you're right about the WAV/AIFF thing. As I recall, AIFF was a lot more common on Unix machines, and WAV mostly on Windows. But I think that nowadays both are fairly well accepted, but WAV seems to be more universally used.

I think the formats may differ in endianness or something, but they are similar in that they are containers for the raw CD data.
